Love in the Quarter

So I argued... well discussed... the other day with another photographer how cliche' this composition is.... and then I went and shot a photo using it. And worse yet, I like it.

The Quarter is a great place to be in love, I know. This couple stood outside a restaurant on Decatur for an hour and chatted and then, before she went back to her section at work... a brief embrace as his dog stood by, watching the traffic.

The way her hand touches his arm. That's the photo. The rest, well the rest is just background, without that light touch, barely skimming the hair on the back of his arm... well, then its just a bad photograph now isn't it?


the african queen said...

you're right. that's the only part of that photo i like. don't get me wrong, you're a great photographer. but there's something very sweet and almost longing in that touch. i like that. i remember that feeling...

Shane Bevel said...

Thanks, I appreciate it. Sometimes all you need is that one thing.